Open Mindfulness


Openness – as in being Open to the multiple layers and very complex and meaningful landscape of the own inner mind – is about a different way of being than a ‘closed’ way that knows no meaningfulness.

An Open mind is a free mind: free to start anew moment after moment, in viewing the world as if for the first time. An Open mind is a mind ‘forever young,’ even while having the knowledge of an adult. It is also a creative mind, continuously creating itself and its environment.

In a world that is constantly changing, it is crucial to be able to adapt and therefore an open mind is indispensable.

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We provide a trajectory of 8 steps, a path towards Open Mindfulness. This has been developed within the Read&Do experience. It can also be given off-line, live.

in AurelisOnLine, you find guided meditations about Open Mindfulness from which you can naturally evolve towards a wealth of other AURELIS domains, all included in one subscription.

more about this trajectory



openness to inside

and from there completely to outside.



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AURELIS being a non-profit, all contributions go towards developing better products for you and accessibility for all.

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You support us with an AURELIS subscription, doing good while doing well. If you want to do more, please visit our donation and volunteering page.

Together we can co-create in order to increase health and deeper wellness by taking into account the total human being in body-mind unity!

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